GLS Holiday Party, 12/4/2022

By Jeff Johnson

Again this year we had an outdoor holiday party, this time at Nicholas Canyon State Beach in Malibu. It was a really good location, though a little far for some people. We also hit the a good weather day for a picnic and a hike—cool, sunny, and no rain.

Before the picnic, Tom and Jen led a hike that went down the beach to Leo Carillo, then did a loop across the hillside overlooking the ocean, then back to our parking lot. Unlike last year, at O’Melveny Park, the leaders this time planned a hike that could be finished comfortably in the time allowed.

Alan brought a tarp from the mule pack supplies to hang between the trees, in case the weather turned wet

Back at the picnic tables, we had a potluck that contained most of the expected holiday food groups, including hot chocolate, prepared by Alan on a camp stove.

Recognizing that we are in our 35th year, we had on one of the picnic tables some items from the GLS’s past, including a photo album Beth created many years ago, with pictures from many of the earliest GLS outings, and the flyer prepared for the 25th reunion event we held at Harwood Lodge.

As usual, we viewed the photos entered in the 2022 photo contest and voted for our favorites, which you can find here. Thanks to all the photographers who entered!

Jen managed the raffle again this year, which profited GLS about $65.

We presented one award this year—GLS Sierran of the Year, to Nancy Beverly, our Outings Chair. Nancy has kept at it through COVID-19 and the recent changes in the rules, and…here we are, still hiking. If you look at the list of upcoming outings in this issue, you will see more outings than we have had recently, some led by returning or new leaders. These welcome changes are largely thanks to Nancy’s persistence.

Our next holiday party? If you have a good idea for the location of the 2023 holiday party, let us know.