Here are some papers and newsletter articles from the earliest days of Gay and Lesbian Sierrans of the Angeles Chapter of the Sierra Club, describing the work to get GLS recognized as an activity section of the Angeles Chapter.
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Excerpts from an unsigned letter mailed to the GLS mailing list at the time, reporting on GLS planning and activities, postmarked Feb. 17, 1987
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Report of a Mar. 2, 1987 meeting with Elden Hughs, then Chair of the Angeles Chapter, from the GLS newsletter postmarked Mar. 12, 1987.
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Excerpts from the report of June ’87 GLS planning meeting, from the GLS newsletter postmarked July 10, 1987
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Some notes from the GLS newsletter postmarked Aug. 25, 1987.
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Item from the GLS newsletter postmarked Oct. 22, 1987
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Announcement of an upcoming GLS meeting on Jan. 9, 1988, in the Jan/Feb 1988 issue of TRACKS
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Note about GLS identifying itself on the trail, in the Mar/Apr 1988 issue of TRACKS
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Note about GLS members attending the Angeles Chapter banquet, in the May/June 1988 issue of TRACKS
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Note about lobbying for GLS recognition following a GLS organizing meeting, in the Sept/Oct 1988 issue of TRACKS.
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Note about Angeles Chapter approval, in the Nov/Dec 1988 issue of TRACKS
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Various notes in the Jan/Feb 1989 issue of TRACKS
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From Ingeborg’s Chair message in the May/June 1989 issue of TRACKS
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Note about GLS bylaws in the Sept/Oct 1989 issue of TRACKS
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News after the first GLS election as an activity section, in the Jan/Feb 1990 issue of TRACKS
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Bob Marshall’s Chair message in the Mar/Apr 1990 issue of TRACKS
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Announcement of the 15th Anniversary Hike in the Jan/Feb 2002 issue of TRACKS