Orchard Camp on the Mt. Wilson Trail, December 16, 2023

Led by Kevin Macvane and Nancy Beverly

By Nancy Beverly

We will soon have a new GLS leader! Kevin MacVane!! He led 12 of us on his provisional leadership hike from Lizzie’s Inn in Sierra Madre up to Orchard Camp on an extremely warm December day (high 70s to low 80s!). Kevin did a great job of keeping an eye on folks and checking in with them to see how they were doing.

Once the Angeles Chapter accepts the paperwork for Kevin’s provisional hike, he will be an O-rated hike leader for the Sierra Club.

Informational sign at Orchard Camp site. Nancy Beverly.
Big leaf maple leaves on the trail. Nancy Beverly.
Under a big leaf maple. Nancy Beverly.
Acorns on the trail. Nancy Beverly.
Carlos receiving his “Biker Extraordinaire” award during the hike. The award is to recognize his regular attendance at GLS outings, always arriving by bicycle. Nancy Beverly.