Led by Jennifer Dooley and Nancy Beverly
By Jen Dooley
We had a nice turnout for our beautiful (and slightly warm) hike to Mt. Pacifico. After we convened early at the La Cañada rideshare, we caravanned to the Mill Creek Trailhead. La Cañada was socked in with June Gloom, but once we drove past Clear Creek Junction, we broke through the clouds and had bright sun.
After introductions and last minute preparations at the trailhead, including a group photo, our 12 strong hikers began the ascent up the trail. It was getting toasty out when we started, already having hit the low to mid 70s by 8:30 am.
As we made our way up the first few miles of exposed trail, we were treated to blooming flora, including yuccas and Indian Paintbrush. It has been quite a Spring for wildflowers, and this part of the trail was no exception.
After about 3.5 miles, we took a break on a ridge that had views as well as a lovely breeze, providing definite relief from the heat and strenuousness of the first section of the hike. From our break spot, we ascended into a lovely pine forest and enjoyed panoramic views of the high desert.
After taking another brief break in the shade at a trail junction, we covered the last mile up to the Mt. Pacifico campground. The campground surrounds the summit of Mt. Pacifico and had a number of picnic tables we took advantage of. We had the entire area almost to ourselves and enjoyed a leisurely lunch break. It was definitely cooler up at 7,000 feet than it was at the trailhead!
Our trip back down to the cars was brisk and pleasant. After stopping one more time for a quick snack break, we got back to the trailhead right according to schedule.
Thanks to everyone who attended; we had an excellent group of strong hikers! I hope to see you all soon on another outing!
Some wildflowers seen by the trail on June 1.