Solstice Canyon, August 17, 2024

Led by Tom Molloy and Nancy Beverly

By Tom Molloy

What a perfect day we had for the 8 mile trek through solstice Canyon national park. We were on assignment from our club leader to find a blooming Humboldt Lily and one with ripening seed pods.

For most of the day, the marine layer protected us from the August sun. We began through the cool shaded main part of the canyon, a riparian paradise of Oak, Sycamore, Bay Laurel, California Walnut and Alder. Despite being late August, the creek was running strong. We ascended into the mountains via the Sostomo Trail to walk the Deer Creek Loop, among the chaparral and oaks, where we were rewarded with views of Zuma Beach, Point Dume and Paradise Cove.

A late-blooming Humboldt lily by the trail on the day of the hike. The brown leaves indicate botrytis, a common fungus disease of lilies. Tom Molloy.

It was upon ascending the Sostomo Trail that we found the elusive Humboldt Lily blooming. And within 10 feet, was a ripening seed pod of an earlier blooming plant. Mission accomplished! It as unusual to find a Humboldt Lily blooming here this late in the year. In early July, the canyon below had a riot of Humboldt Lily blooms, now long gone.

Immature seed pods on a Humboldt lily stem. The pods turn brown and split open when the seeds are ripe. Tom Molloy.

Upon our return to the canyon, we dutifully visited the Roberts House Historic Site (fire burnout), where we also enjoyed views of the waterfalls. We returned to the cars, via the Rising Sun Trail, which lived up to its name. As we began this, the most strenuous part of the hike, the sun indeed did break through the clouds, which made for quite a workout for this last leg of our journey.

A good time was had by all!

Humboldt lilies blooming in Solstice Canyon in July. Tom Molloy.