New Years Day Verdugo Hike, January 1, 2025

A beautiful sunny winter day for a walk up into the hills from the Stough Canyon Nature Center. Photo Rachel Powell.

Led by Nancy Beverly and Gail Wise

By Nancy Beverly

GLS started off 2025 in a wonderful way — we hiked up from the Stough Canyon Nature Center in the Verdugo Mountains on the afternoon of January 1st. Nineteen hikers showed up (wow!) with the warm sun shining brightly on us (hard to believe it was winter).

Hike leader exuberance on the first day of the new year. Photo Rachel Powell.

We kept things short and not too taxing so people would want to build up their stamina and join us for longer jaunts. With me in the lead and Gail as the sweep, we hiked a smidge over two miles roundtrip, stopping along the way to take in the views towards downtown (I called it the Emerald City) and then out over the 210 freeway and Sunland, our turnaround spot. We had some old-timers on the outing and some brand new folks as well.

Looking forward to seeing repeat hikers in the new year!