GLS Management Committee Meeting, 8/20/2022

Sierra Club Members in Attendance:

Tammie Barta, Carol Jeffcoate, Jen Dooley, Tom Molloy, Jeff Johnson, Nancy Beverly, Laura Rainey

Item 1 – Management Committee Vacancy

After multiple terms, Carol is stepping down from her position on the committee at the end of her current term. Thank you to Carol for serving GLS for these years! Her departure will leave an opening on the committee. Any interested GLS members are encouraged to run for the vacant seat.

Item 2 – Holiday Party

Last year’s party was outdoors at O’Melveny Park and was preceded by a group hike. We would like to do something similar this year. We may return to O’Melveny, but we will investigate other options as well prior to making a decision on venue.

Item 3 – Leader First Aid

GLS will once again offer to pay for first aid renewals for leaders who need to renew to keep their leadership status current. It was also proposed that GLS reimburse leaders for approved wilderness first aid courses. The stipulation would be that such leaders should be willing to lead backcountry, overnight backpack trips, or earn an I leader rating. Additionally, the wilderness first aid course would need to be one that Sierra Club would recognize as fulfilling the requirement for an I rating to qualify for reimbursement.

Item 4 – Update of Leader Training Resources online

training materials. A focus of some of the updated material concerns how leaders can take steps to ensure that equitable access to the outdoors is being fostered. The next offering of OLT, with the updates included, is scheduled for September 17th. The Angeles Chapter is looking for people to take the course who need to renew their leadership training requirements as well as a limited number of new leader candidates. The training has been developed using the national Sierra Club’s leader training as the backbone, but there will be some material specific to the Angeles Chapter as well. This includes some safety management plan considerations and incident reporting requirements.

Laura is assisting Jane Simpson of the Angeles Chapter on updating leadership training materials. A focus of some of the updated material concerns how leaders can take steps to ensure that equitable access to the outdoors is being fostered. The next offering of OLT, with the updates included, is scheduled for September 17th. The Angeles Chapter is looking for people to take the course who need to renew their leadership training requirements as well as a limited number of new leader candidates. The training has been developed using the national Sierra Club’s leader training as the backbone, but there will be some material specific to the Angeles Chapter as well. This includes some safety management plan considerations and incident reporting requirements.

Item 5 – Ideas for encouraging inactive leaders to plan and schedule outings

Discussion around the topic included the point that adding a conservation-related message or activity can add interest and that partnering with another Sierra Club group is an option that can also be helpful and fun.

Item 6 – Accounting of equipment for outings

Alan had procured a variety of equipment to be owned by GLS for use on mule pack trips, car camps, etc. Any leader can check out the equipment to use while leading outings for GLS. Alan is sending a list to Tammie of what is available to check out.

The next management committee meeting has not yet been scheduled.